Saturday, November 30, 2019

words and boxes

when we see a box
we wish to see what?????????????????
what DO you want????????????????

a mail and an information sheet
either could bring in business
either for you, or for your distant friend

do cherish a box
a mailbox
a gift box

a humorous post

Image result for merry christmas for short story tellers 

Image result for merry christmas for short story tellers 

Image result for merry christmas for short story tellers 
Image result for merry christmas for short story tellers

merry christmas

merry christmas
holy night
cheer o joy
silent prayers
beautiful dreams
innocent demand
confirming passion

merry christmas
we wish to have joyful time


a poem form is tough
a name which is conforms
we do wonder who makes life click
the wolf, the husk, or the reindeer???

free verse

a style without fashion
a form without restriction
a poem without home
a thought with some salt

i choose free verse
i see things in random pace

short story slam

life could be short
life is long
life could be light
life is heavy

life is what we see
life is what we wish
life is cold
life is easy

when we choose poetry
life is bright

poetry and humor

i often got lost
try to find a clue
why shall i relax?
i end up in helen lake
walkinh with abe wu
since the weather is cold
the wind is heavy
we take a photo of that tree in blue shoe
and we circle around the banks
with or without joy
the visit to Sequoyah is cool